Friday, May 4, 2012

About e cigar

Before I worked on this job I just only saw the e cigarette one time from one of my friend, I don't know ever about the electronic cigarette, because it looks like the same as traditional cigarette, thus what I mean I want to say I don't know anything about the electronic cigar:

  1. Where can I get the electronic cigarette? store market? internet?
  2. What is it components? any e liquid? Any power? any electronic cigarette tobacco?
  3. How does it work?
  4. Is there any advantage? Real smokeless cigarettes as showed on advertizing?

After I worked on e cigar area, everything goes well for understanding.

First of all e cigar is an electronic cigarette, the same appearance as "traditional tobacco". E cigar can smoke and produce vapor.

"Traditional" smoking has proven to be a hazard to the health, often leading to lung- and cardiovascular diseases amongst heavy smokers. A single tobacco cigarette contains over 4000 chemical substances which are inhaled by the smoker.

New Smoke e cigarettes give smokers their nicotine dose. E cigarettes are your ideal alternative to traditional cigarettes!


  • 1 e cig = 100 pieces of cigarette tobacco
  • Maintain your required nicotine dose, but lose other harmful side-effects
  • No second-hand smoke – keep the people around you happy!
  • No yellow fingers, teeth, walls. No smelly clothes
  • Up to 60% cheaper than traditional smoking
  • Completely non-flammable, so no fire nor any matches/lighter needed

All in all, E cigar would be more important along with the health idea changing in the future.Last, I recommend a place to buy the best e cigarette. Click here: